Post-Marriage Actions to Take
Written by Michelle N. Ogborne

Post-Marriage Actions to Take

The wedding is done, and it went flawlessly. You can finally breathe. No more making plans, trying on dresses and tuxes, filling papers out, appointments to schedule – in other words, no more red tape. Now you can finally relax and begin your new life as a married person. Well, more or less. Following you getting married, there are specific steps that you need to take to make sure that the financial and legal factors of your life demonstrate your new status.

Below is a overview of important post-marriage actions that need to be taken, in which are going to vary by spouses and your local laws.

Post-Marriage Actions That Need to be Taken

There are several things left of do prior to getting down to the of happily ever afters. Take care of these final post-wedding to-dos throughout the first couple of weeks (or even days) following your big day, so you can cherish the memories of your special day for the years that lie ahead.

The checklist below can serve as a useful reminder of what still needs to be done. Not everything listed may apply to you, but there are certainly some listed responsibilities that require your immediate attention.

  • Change the beneficiary on your life insurance policy, if you wish, to your spouse.
  • Get life insurance naming your spouse as the beneficiary to guarantee continual financial support should you pass away.
  • Create a new will.
  • Include your spouse in your health insurance policy.
  • Include your spouse in your dental insurance policy.
  • Notify your vehicle insurer of any change in vehicle drivers and address.
  • Decide if you are going to change your last name.
  • When you change your name because of the marriage, notify each of your creditors of the change.
  • When you move, notify all of your creditors of your address change.
  • Give notice to the Social Security Administration of your name change.
  • Apply for a driver’s license with your new name and address on it.
  • Change your name on your financial institution accounts and checks, or open a new shared account with your spouse.
  • Change your address on your financial institution accounts and checks.
  • Mail your marriage certificate in.
  • Discuss division of household duties and responsibilities (bill paying, housekeeping, etc.)

Post-Marriage Name Changes: More Details

Below is a list of other businesses and institutions to notify should you change your name legally:

  • Department of Records or Vital Statistics (the issuers of birth certificates)
  • Schools
  • Insurance agencies
  • State taxing authority
  • Veterans Administration
  • Employers
  • Creditors and debtors
  • Public assistance office (welfare)
  • Social Security Administration
  • Telephone and utility companies
  • Department of Motor Vehicles
  • Passport Office
  • Registrar of Voters
  • Banks and other financial institutions
  • Post office (via change of address form)

Speak with an Experienced Family Law Attorney

If you and your future spouse recently got married, you might need the help of an experienced family law attorney. A good lawyer is going to guarantee that you have completed all of the most vital post-marriage actions, like name changes. Don’t forget that it’s important to speak to a lawyer acquainted with the laws in your state. A lot provide free consultations, so your initial step should be to get in contact with an experienced family attorney.


  1. Post-marriage actions to take. Findlaw. (2018, November 19). Retrieved August 16, 2022, from

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