Choose The Right Guardian For Your Kids
It’s hard to plan for the unimaginable, but deciding on a guardian for your children is a requirement — for their benefit and for your own serenity.
It’s difficult to think of someone other than you raising your children, but when something were to happen to you and your partner, you’d want to guarantee your little one was in the very best care. That is the reason why parents should decide on a legal guardian — the individual that would bring up their child if both parents should pass away prior to the child turning eight teen. Don’t think you’re up to take on the responsibility? Failing to choose a guardian yourself means the courts are going to pick one for you — and it might not be the individual you think is ideal.
Whereas no one can tell you what matters the most, there’s a lot to contemplate about as you and your partner go over potential guardians. Indeed, you’ll want an individual that is going to love and care for your child just like you would, but you will also want an individual that is responsible, at home, at work, and with their finances. You need to also choose replacements in case your primary choice can’t or does not want to do the job.
Here’s what else you should to think about when deciding on a guardian:
Don’t inevitably go for a couple. A lot of parents are inclined to gravitate towards a married couple when choosing a guardian for their child. After all, a couple appears to more stable than a single person. But contemplate carefully: Divorce occurs to the best of couples, so you might want to pick one individual instead. Or determine in advance which individual would bring up your child in the event the couple splits. Also contemplate about the couple’s children: Is your child going to fit into the family, or get lost through the shuffle?
Think about ethics. Do you wish your child to be brought up in a specific religion? If so, faith may be vital when it comes time to choose a guardian. You may also want to consider your potential guardian’s ethics, educational outlook, and parenting type.
Based on these values, create a list of all potential candidates. Don’t limit this to immediate family members; also include friends and extended family too. Decide on individuals, not couples, as candidates. Times change and couples get divorced; you do not wish for them to determine custody of your child. For each individual, ask yourself the following questions:
- Do they have the capability of raising of your child? Are they stable financially? Mentally and physically healthy?
- What would your child’s daily life be like? Imagine their life. Are they able to fit into the family? Are they joyful? Is it likewise to the life they now know?
- Who would bring up the child? You might list your sister as guardian, but maybe her husband is the one actually bringing up the kids.
- What is their present family structure like? Are they going to be brought up with other children? How is their partner?
- Where is their location? Are they in the vicinity of other friends or family members?
Above all: Do they love your children? Like, really love them. Are your children going to love them and feel content around their family? When the worst occurs and your child goes to your chosen guardian, are they going to feel guarded and loved?
After you decide on your guardian, ask for their consent. Be sure they’re comfortable with your decision, discuss how this addition is going to impact their family, and what the new family is going to be like. Talk about your values and the desires you have for the future of your child’s.
Make it official by including it in your will. This is going to be the most difficult part since it feels so final, and usually the thought of devising a will is overpowering.
WhattoExpect. (2018, December 03). How to pick a guardian for your child. Retrieved March 30, 2021, from
Arizona Family Law
Naming guardians in your will can be part of your estate plan. You may think you’re too young or don’t have enough money to justify the expense, but if you have children, you have priceless assets. There are many considerations when naming guardians for your kids. However, the process doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated.
There’s nothing better than the peace of mind you will have knowing you’ve protected your family at a time when they need it most. Let us help. Schedule a consultation or contact Ogborne Law, PLC of Arizona today.
Engaging with an attorney to protect your family is never an easy step. Whether you need to protect your family from the unthinkable or restructure your family through collaborative divorce, we’re here to help. When you’re ready to schedule a consultation with Michelle Ogborne, please visit the scheduling page to get started.