The Case Against Joint Wills for Married Couples
Creating one will for two individuals is typically not recommended since it's irrevocable following the first spouse's passing away. Although married couples usually have the same objectives in mind when creat...
What is a life estate deed?
A life estate deed is a way to transfer ownership of real (tangible) property. This deed is legal documentation that alters the ownership of a piece of real (tangible) property. The person that owns the rea...
Legatee, heir, beneficiary and devisee: What are the differences?
A fast guide to the terminology of inheritance to assist you in making sense of who is who in an estate plan. The law has many various terms for individuals that inherit property from a deceased individual’s e...
6 Estate Planning Tips For New Parents
Your life changes in many ways when you have a child. One thing you must consider right away is planning your estate. Below are the most important estate planning tips for new parents. 1. Make A Will And Appoint...
How to Make a Will that Cannot Be Contested
When creating your will to include in your estate plan, you are making sure your last wishes are going to be implemented. All that careful thought and planning could be for nothing, though, if anyone effectively...
Do You Need to Update Your Will If You Move
When you are relocating to a new state, you probably have a lot of thoughts and worries going through your mind, but don't allow your estate planning documents fall to the wayside. The wonderful news is you've...