Should You Separate From Your Spouse Before Christmas?
Christmas is seen as the climax of the holiday season across the United States. For some, it’s a religious holiday, while others simply enjoy their time off from work or school. Married couples on the verge of separating could see this as the most stressful time of the year, unfortunately. The question is, should you separate from your spouse before the holiday or wait until the new year?
Reasons To Stay Together
You may want to try to make it through the holidays together, if you think you can make it. Remember, significant life events, including divorce, are typically associated with other events surrounding them. Do you both want to relive your divorce each and every holiday season? Spare yourself and the rest of your family by delaying this inevitable separation.
Children are the biggest reason why people try to stay together during the Christmas break. It’s a magical time and your children will only be young once. However, if staying together means their Christmas memories will be riddled with constant fighting, is it really worth it? If you and your spouse are determined to make it through the holidays, both parties need to agree to keep the tension as private as possible.
Any separation will be disruptive during the holidays. Whether it’s figuring out who can attend which gatherings, who pays for gifts, or who is hosting Christmas, it’s crucial to figure out the logistics with your spouse ahead of time.
It’s no secret that holiday cheer and stress can play mind games with anyone. Whether the sentimental side of the holidays has you wanting to stay together or the stress makes you want to pull away, make sure to give yourself plenty of time to regroup in January. Try to think through your separation decision with a clear, new year’s perspective.
Reasons To Separate Before Christmas
Of course, the days leading up to Christmas may seem like the most hectic time possible to make such a big life decision. In some cases, though, the time off can actually provide individuals with some extra time to think, plan, and prepare. Give your children time to process this news before the holiday if your plan is to ultimately break up.
There will undoubtedly be a few financial considerations to make if you are splitting up with your spouse before Christmas. If you file for divorce prior to Christmas, the reality of living on a smaller income can limit some funds meant for gifts and other holiday activities. Adjust your budget before you begin shopping if you wish to start this next chapter on stable ground, financially. Always check with a financial advisor to discuss how your divorce date will impact child support payments, taxes, and more.
Happiness and health are commonly found on a grown up wish list. If the stress of your marriage is causing you to drink, for instance, it’s time to consider moving on with either your separation or divorce. Your health is a priority, no matter the time of year.
Waiting to separate is still an option, but if your failing marriage is causing you physical and emotional harm, why delay the process? Your stressful holiday season will feel more manageable when you take the first steps toward your next phase in life.
Get Some Needed Support
Many individuals tend to feel some extra pressure and scrutiny as the holidays and end of the year approach. A strong network of family and friends is vital during these difficult times.
If this is the last holiday with your spouse before a separation, then it’s all about getting through one day at a time. Try to keep your frustration out of the holiday atmosphere.
Attorney Arizona
There’s nothing better than the peace of mind you will have knowing you’ve protected your family at a time when they need it most. Let us help. Schedule a consultation or contact Ogborne Law, PLC of Arizona today.
Engaging with an attorney to protect your family is never an easy step. Whether you need to protect your family from the unthinkable or restructure your family through collaborative divorce, we’re here to help. When you’re ready to schedule a consultation with Michelle Ogborne, please visit the scheduling page to get started.